miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

To kill a Mockingbird: First chapter!

1. What do you learn in this chapter about Maycomb, Atticus Finch and his family?
2. Describe Calpurnia as Scout depicts her in Chapter 1.
3. What does Dill dare Jem to do?
4. The townspeople of Maycomb have some fears and superstitions about the Radley place. Describe these fears and superstitions.
5. How important is bravery to Jem?
6. What do you notice about the narrative voice and viewpoint of the story?


1- It is a small southern town, very poor because of the great depression maybe, and also very old. Atticus Finch was the father of Jean Louise Finch (Scout) and Jeremy Atticus Finch (Jem). Their mother died few years ago, so they are basicaly Atticus family. There is also Calpurnia, their housekeeper.

2- Scout desbribes her as an african american woman, skinny but huge hands, and sometimes very though tough with Scout.

3- To knock on Radley place's door, in order to take Boo Radley out of the house.

4- People in town believed that the Radley Place was cursed, that Arthur "Boo" Radley was somwthing similar of a ghost because nobody ever saw him; the door of that house was always closed since they catched Arthur involbed in something like a gang.

5- It's one of the most important things for him because of mainly one reasons: he was the older brother of Scout, so he felt that he needed to show her that he was able to protect her.

6- Everything is told by Scout, who, as a child, shows a very innocent perpective of everything she is able to see, even bad things.

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