jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Analysis Questions of chapters 12, 13 and 14

Ch. 12
1. Comment on Jem's and Scout's visit to First Purchase Church. What does Scout learn about how black people live?
2. Explain why Calpurnia speaks differently in the Finch household, and among her neighbours at church.

Ch. 13
3. Aunt Alexandra thinks Scout is "dull" (not clever). Why does she think this, and is she right?
4. How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Macomb's social life?
5. Comment on Aunt Alexandra's ideas about breeding and family, in contrast to Atticus' visions. Who's right, do you think? Why?

Ch. 14.
6. Comment on Atticus' definition of rape. How suitable is this definition as an answer to Scout?


1- They were welcomed in a very cheerful way, saying it somehow, because although they were black people, they were happy to had them there. It is now that they notice that coloured people carried a very poor way of life, full of dangers and unjustices.

2-Because she was able to spoke a much more formal english than other black people. and she didn't wanted to offend other coloured persons by using it.

3-Because she is not the way she would like her to be. She didn't dress like a girl, or acted like one. It is because of this that Aunt Alexandra thought that she didn't understand society.

4-She liked to talk and meet a lot of people, and talk to them about her family.

5-She thaught that a family should be gided by its traditions, while Atticus thaught that someone should be like he wanted to be. I think that Atticus is right, because he allows his children to be the way they wanted to be and think what they wanted to think.

6-He describes it in a very complicated way, so that Scout would understand that it was a bad thing, but not what exactly was.  I think that the right thing to do in this situation was to explain her what it was, because sooner or later she was supossed to know.

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