domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Reading Comprehension: teenagers and social networks.

Today I am going to answer some questions from two diferent articles: the first from Tamar Lewin, and the other one from Dr Aric Sigman.


1.. What are the opinions expressed by the researchers in texts 2 and 3?
2. What are the differences in the ways the researchers view community?
3. What kinds of distinctions do the researchers make (or not make) in relation to communication?

First, the text from Tamar Lewin shows us the good way of watching the social networks, saying that participating in new media is giving them the necesary tools and skills for the succes in the contemporary world. On the other hand, Dr. Aric Sigman says that using the social networks exesively could raise your risk of cancer and other deseases. This because not meating face-to-face get your defenses low, and other biological reactions that the body presents when you are not meating face-to-face.

Second, both researches view community in very differnt ways, both of them very extreme in their points of view. One uses the social and psicological area to argument his idea, while the other one uses the medical and biological area.

Third, Lewin states that is the same to have a face to face conversation or an online one, but, as it has been said, Dr. Sigman states that is very different in a medical point of view. In my opinion, being part of social networks is something that teenagers need because it makes you part of the new world society, but having a face to face conversation will always be more satisfactory.

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