domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Analysing " A language with no limits"

The text "A lanuage with no limts" talks about, as the tittle says, language, but more specific, variations in English, as the henglisn, the chinglish or arabizi. This very special dialects created by people who are not native English speakers, comes from the combination of English itslef, and other language, depending on wich of them we are talking about. The article, taken from the toronto star newspaper, inform to people intersted in new dialects about how this new forms of speaking and writing have been developed, specially in toronto, Canada, and how this is good for language and other cultures, because it ctreates a form of comunication for this three cultures in this case, that allow them to comunicate, but maintaining their own language.

Apu, character from "The Simpsons"
We can find some argot in this text, wich are some phrases that the author uses as an example of the new dialects. Some of them are publicity, from big brands as Pepsi and Coke. We are able to infer that the author is supporting the new dialects, because he shows us in the whole text why is this good for english, and compares it with the irish or even the american english. In my opinion, the development of new forms of language is good, specially for non-native English speakers, because it allow them to comunicate better, in a world in wich English is the most important language up to now.

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