martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Some useful tips: Narrative techniques

On this post, I will give you a list of some useful narrative techniques that you can use when you are writting any piece of literary work.

Point of view : the one who tells the story. This means, the narrator of the story. It can be first, second or third person.

Narration : this is, who is the narrator speaking to. It can be direct, frame, or indirect narration.

Speech : How do the narrator and the characters of a story speak. This means, how the dialogue of characters is presented through the narrator. It can be direct, reported or free-indirect.

Tense : When did the events of a story happen or take place. This means, the specific time when events happened. The same as time, it can be past, present, or future.

Apart from this basic narrative techniques, we have some "optional" resources when writing a piece of work, such as the following ones:

Flashback: it is a moment of the story when you go back in time to tell an specific event. Most of the authors use this as a memorie of a character in the story.

Foreshadowing: it is when the author gives the reader clues or signs about what will happen. This clues can be obvious or subtle.

Third-person omniscient: it is the same than a third person narrative voice, but with the difference that with an omniscient voice the narrator is able to tell character thoughts and ideas.

Dual Narrative: it presents us the story but with different point of views, and is commonly used to give the reader more details about something specific from the story.

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