jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Why do we talk?- activity 1

Why do we talk?


1. Which is the 'trick' (process) that enables us to communicate something to others?
 Language, or the ability to talk. We push air out of our mouths to produce sounds,(or words) to comunicate what we think.

2. Do animals talk? If not, What do they do to communicate?
 Animals don't talk. They comunicate with sounds and gestures.

3. What do we express when we talk?
What we think.

4. WHat did Dr Deb Roy try to achieve in his house?
To discover how a child learns how to talk. Also to understand earlier stages of language formation.

5. Which are the earliest stages in language for a child?
Babbling, then using single words.

6. What external and internal factors made the data recollected in the experiment into something they could use?
They recorded sounds, and how this ones developed into words and sentences. This develop was influenced by the parents language.

7. How did the parent's speech change from their son's first word until he could utter more complex structures?
They first used simple words, like nouns, something easy for the child to learn. As he was growing, his parents started using more complex words and sentences.

8. What does Dr Deb Roy compare the "blossoming" of a speech form?
He compares it with the blossoming of a flower.

(Questions were answered based on the followin video)

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