martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Class Debate:

Language is something learned vs Humans are born with the ability to create language.


Based on what I saw from my partner's debates and mine, I think that the trouth origin of language is a "combination" of both of them. I think that language is something that we must learn, we can't start talking since we born, because we don't know know how to do this. We must learn words and how to put this ones in order to form sentences, etc. But, why can we learn how to talk and chimps can't? This is because we are born with a special quality, that defines us as humans, that alows us to talk (even if we learn how). If you take a baby chimp and you start giving him language lessons, I am sure he will not learn how to speak, he may comunicate by gestures, but he will not speak because chimps or any other animal don't have this ability that human does have that allows you to develop language.

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