domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

TV commecial analysis

What we clearly see in this TV commercial is that it is a commercial from the car company "Volkswagen", advertising about the "Golf" model. We apreciate a very strange setting for a car commercial: a market of fruit and vegetables. More specifically, the tent of one of the sellers. Because of this, we see objects that we can commonly see on a place like this: a lot of baskets filed with fruits and vegetables and a sort of green table in wich some of this baskets are. But we aslo see something quite strange: a volkswagen "golf" on top of one of this tables, being selled just as the other products from the market. We can also highlight the presence of two characters: a woman, probably buying what she needs for the week, and the seller, who is giving the woman the products that she is asking for. Apart from this characters, there is no appearence of a celebrity.

This elements that appear in this commercial are part of a very strange story. The woman arrives to the tent of the seller asking for some apples and other stuff. After this, she asks to the seller for the volkswagen "Golf", and he shows the car to her. finally, the woman buys the car at a very low price, just as if she were buying other vegetables.

Of course, we can deduce from this commercial that the message is to show that the price of the "Golf" is so incredibly low, that it is as accessible as buying fruit. We can also deduce from this that it makes this car an option for people interseted in cheaper cars, probably with a small or none family. Maybe also for young people. We don't see a lot of visual techniques in this Ad, just a general view of the market at the end, in order to show the car (how does it looks), and the car being exposed on the market table, to convince the one who is watching the commercial that it is really accessible because of its price.