Punk for a month: Activity!
1-The way someone looks like tells us something about that person, what he likes, whathe is aiming to, etc. I said "something" because in many times, a person doesn't wears what he actually likes, but what the others use. We can still judge people based on how they look like, for our protection. For example, when we see someone suspicious walking next to us during nigh time.
2- She was expecting them to reject her. In some way, we might even think she wanted her friends to leave her alone. This, because she arrives to the table with an agressive attitude, and she never explains why she did what she did. Maybe she should have told her friend the reasons that pushed her into the decision she took, and she should have also asked her friends for comprehension, instead of walking away without saying anything about her change.
3-I can imagine that when she changes to the what she was in the past and stop being a punk, those new friends she made are going to reject Julie, just the way her old friends did when she turned punk.
4-I think she changes interiorly. We can see she is now more self-confident, and she feels that now she is important to others. Before turning punk, she used to think she wasn't nobody in society, but after she turned punk, she feels that everyone knows who she is, and that she is now important, that she is now someone, as she said. This shows us that changing something as simple as the way you dress actually changes the way you are. Under my point of view, this is because you are changing into what you like, into what you really like, who you really are.
Personal response: Surrogacy in India
“The Akanksha clinic is at the forefront of India’s booming trade in so-called reproductive tourism — foreigners coming to the country for infertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization. The clinic’s main draw, however, is its success using local women to have foreigners’ babies. Surrogacy costs about $12,000 in India, including all medical expenses and the surrogate’s fee. In the U.S., the same procedure can cost up to $70,000.”
We have seen how technology and science, all around the world, have improved during the past years, and we can clearly see how it keeps moving forward into things we probably weren't able to even imagine just a few years ago. But, what do I mean when I say sience and technology is moving forwrd? Sience is giving us now solutions to problems that have been around mankind since the beginning, such as deseases, food issues, or other problems that a person might need to solve during a normal day. Now, what we see in this quote is the case of surrogancy in india, i mean, women who "borrow" their body to fertilize and crate a baby. This child will be given to couples that can't have children because of natural conditions. Under my point of view, this is simply wrong. Mainly because you turn women into a useful "thing" (eventhough they are volunteers). Those women no longer have children for their one, instead they are being used to create life and then give it to someone else. i believe this is completely wrong and unethical. I would also like to add that, because this is a paid process, surrogacy mothers are actually selling their bodies, and their babies, that, eventhough they come from an unknown father, those cildren are still their sons.